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Why Choose a Super Saver Rolling Medical Cart?

Every business has a budget, with some having larger budgets and some having smaller budgets. Either way, a year in advance is typically the outline businesses take for outlining their budgets in an effort of anticipating what expenses there will be with some room for variations. While healthcare facilities offer care for patients, at the end of the day, they need to be able to pay the bills to be able to keep their doors open. 

Budgets are crucial in the healthcare industry, especially when it comes to medical equipment. Facilities can anticipate the need for new equipment ahead of time allowing themselves time to find the right fit for their needs while remaining within their budget. Quality medical equipment does come at a cost, but investing in equipment that will last for years will end up saving money in the long run with its increased ROI. While quality equipment can be quite pricey, there are options that allow you to still purchase a quality piece of equipment while ensuring you stay on budget. 

Lakeside’s line of Super Saver carts are economically designed for the cost-conscious and budget-driven healthcare facility. These carts are still built with the same foundational qualities as our full-size medical carts, but allow facilities to invest in new equipment without breaking the bank. So why choose Super Saver rolling medical carts? Below we will go over the main benefits of Super Saver carts to highlight their main functionalities. 

Benefit #1: Compact & Durable

While these carts are slightly smaller in stature compared to standard full-sized carts, they still are built with the same structural materials to ensure the cart’s durability. With a stainless steel build, these carts are easy to clean and sanitize and will withstand heavy usage as they are used day in and day out. When medical carts are depended on in various areas of a department, it is very important to have a cart that will stand up to the test and be able to provide mobile transport of needed equipment, supplies and medications. Durability is the name of our game at Lakeside, and our Super Saver economic cart selection is no exception.

Super saver rolling medical cart 

Benefit #2: Organizational Functionality 

Medical carts ultimately provide a storage space for the items providers need for their patients, and having an organized cart is a necessity. Having the supplies right where they are supposed to be helps reduce the time it takes to provide care for patients. Our Super Saver cart line offers various drawer configuration options to allow for selection of what suits your facility’s specific needs the best. Organization is a must, and the Super Saver medical cart line is sure to provide it. 

Super savor rolling medical cart

Benefit #3: Security of Supplies

Using medical carts allows for the safekeeping of supplies, medications, and equipment not only so that they are readily available when needed, but to also ensure that only healthcare providers are using these items. Having locks on medical carts is very important as it allows only providers access to the supplies. While some medical carts have locks for every drawer, this economical money-saving cart has just one lock on the top drawer. Not every medical cart requires all items to be locked up, so why pay for a cart that has extra unnecessary bells and whistles? With the one locking drawer, there is still the capability to lock items that need a secure location while also providing storage for other supplies that do not need to be locked in a drawer. The Super Saver carts provide the security you need at a cost your budget will appreciate. 

Super savor rolling medical cart

Benefit #4: Mobility to Move Around Facilities

Having a stationary medical cart limits the use of that piece of equipment as it is not able to be moved to where it is needed. There is a reason why most medical carts are mobile, and that is to allow equipment and supplies to be moved around so that the cart can offer functionality in various areas of a department. Although the Super Saver carts are more budget-friendly, this does not mean that mobility won’t be a feature. This line of carts is built with durable casters to ensure quick and efficient maneuverability to wherever it is needed. 

Super savor rolling medical carts

Being on a budget does not mean you have to sacrifice durability and efficiency in a cart. Having a cart that will withstand the hours, days, months, and years or use is so important when investing in new equipment. A cart that will only last you 5-10 years may be a more cost-friendly choice at the moment, but in the end it will cost more. The Super Saver medical cart line by Lakeside offers a low cost option while still providing the functionality that facilities need. Talk with a Lakeside cart expert today!

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